Be part of the BVC community.
Below are traditional sponsorship opportunities. Customized sponsor packages are available.
What you get
Ability to host a Pre-Conference Seminar
Company representative speaking opportunity during the event
Private scheduled time for attendees to directly interact with your company representative(s)
Acknowledgement from the stage throughout the conference
Prominent logo recognition on BVC website, email marketing and BVC event signage
Full color ad in the BVC conference booklet
Five complimentary conference registrations
Presenting Sponsor
What you get
Exclusive sponsor of Dine Around Lunch or Pre-Conference Seminars
Company statement provided by emcee to attendees (250-word max.)
Logo recognition on BVC website, email marketing and BVC event signage
Exclusive sponsor signage at Pre-Conference Seminar or Dine Around Lunch
1/2-page color ad in the BVC conference materials
Three (3) complimentary conference registrations
Networking Sponsor
What you get
Company statement provided by emcee to attendees
Logo recognition on BVC website, email marketing and BVC event signage
Networking event sponsor signage and sponsor provided pull-up banner
1/4-page color ad in the BVC conference materials
Two (2) complimentary conference registration
Supporting Sponsor
What you get
Logo recognition on BVC website and BVC event signage
One (1) complimentary conference registration